Events, Notices, News, and Media

Mayor’s Marathon Run
Posted on June 19, 2022The longest day of the year means a long-distance race for many in Anchorage. The Anchorage Mayor's Marathon and Half Marathon is a summer solstice tradition of more than 40 years in the making. Runners from all over the world head to Anchorage for the race. It's a tradition for Alaska Career College Therapeutic Massage Students as well. It's an opportunity to practice the skills learned in a classroom with runners needing assistance with pre- and post-run stretching or muscle relaxation.
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Tudor Road Advisory
Posted on August 20, 2021Tudor Road will be closed from Eau Claire Place to the old Seward Highway to replace 184 feet of water main from Friday, August 20 – Friday, September 3, 2021. Attached are two maps from AWWU which indicate the plan for traffic flow. (The TCP Eau Claire map above specifically focuses on the traffic pattern affecting ACC traffic.) How does this closure affect ACC traffic flow? Tudor Road westbound will be open to Eau Claire Place. To access the ACC parking lot, traffic will turn right off Tudor and continue all the way down (north) on Eau Claire around the circle and back toward Tudor Road. ACC students, staff, and visitors will have the option to turn right into either the north or south ACC driveway. Departure from campus is detailed on the above attachment labeled TCP Eau Claire as follows: Departing traffic from ACC will cross Tudor Road via a bridge across the median and go east. Eastbound traffic can turn left at MacInnes or continue to Lake Otis Road Parkway. Traffic departing from businesses and residential areas west of Fire Station 4 will travel on Tudor Road westbound to Eau Claire Place, turning right on Eau Claire Place and continuing north toward the Sanctuary (Park) following the circle and back toward Tudor Road to exit across Tudor on the meridian bridge and head east (just as ACC traffic will exit). There will be posted signs for Detour Routes. Local and pedestrian access will be maintained. AWWU advises they do not expect to have any water service impact on customers. This traffic pattern is expected to be in place by 6 am on Friday, August 20, 2021. There will be additional work outside of the Tudor Right-of-Way starting September 7, 2021, through September 24, 2021. Night shift work with partial nightly road closures will begin September 18, 2021, through September 24, 2021. If you have questions, please let me know. Thank you for your patience during this project. Linda StureCampus Director
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Covid-19 Information
Posted on October 29, 2020Alaska Career College is highly invested in the education community and we are dedicated to serving it as best we can by providing the workforce with trained medical professionals and other occupations such as accounting and human resources serving businesses. We are committed to continuing to serve you! While we are continuing remote instruction in our classes, educational institutions are considered essential businesses and operations in Alaska. Students may travel to campus for receiving materials for distance learning and other related essential services. We are taking every precaution necessary to ensure our facilities are sanitized and are operating under social distancing requirements. For those considering college, we have made our virtual college visit option available to anybody who is unable to or uncomfortable visiting campus in person. We are also waiving enrollment application fees for applicants starting in July 2020. in an effort to help individuals who have been directly or indirectly affected by COVID-19. We hope these added services will allow you to begin your educational pursuits without delay. Alaska Career College is ingrained in the communities we serve and we can assure you we will continue to be here serving you in any way we can! For more information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit the following websites.
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Earthquake Campus Schedule Update
Posted on December 03, 2018Campus update: All is well at ACC. Contractors have been working on campus to ensure the facility is safe and secure. Cosmetic repairs are a work in progress. Please note the schedule changes below indicate DAY or EVENING: Evening classes -College Success Skills, CA 106 and Career Marketing will be in session on campus, Monday evening December 3. 2018, 6pm-10pm. Alaska Career College DAY Shift classes will resume on Monday, December 10, 2018. ACC EVENING classes will be in session as scheduled beginning Tuesday evening, December 4, 2018. ACC is postponing DAY classes the week of December 3-6, 2018 to coincide with the closure of the Anchorage School District, the following class days will be added to the schedule for this term: Friday, December 14, 2018Thursday, January 10, 2019Friday, January 11, 2019 andMonday, January 14, 2019 Instructors will update day planners and distribute on December 10, 2018. Career Marketing classes scheduled for Friday, December 7 & 14, 2018 have been rescheduled for January 18 & 25, 2019. *Please note, Therapeutic Massage advanced day students will also attend class on Monday, February 11, 2019. (Additional information will be provided.)
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Evening Massage Therapy Program
Posted on February 23, 2018Massage therapy is utilized in the treatment for athletes, the elderly, for chronic pain relief, for relaxations and stress relief. Interest in therapeutic massage has increased as the public becomes more aware of the benefits. In an effort to accommodate increased demand, Alaska Career College has added an evening class. Students will learn theoretical information and apply knowledge in practical application in the classroom. Additional experience is gained through on and off-campus clinics. Join this exciting program! Evening classes begin October 10th, 2018. Space is limited to 16 students. Call 907-563-7575 for more details. Program Information
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Student Loan Scam
Posted on February 05, 2016Dear Alaska Career College Students and Graduates,It has come to our attention that and perhaps other websites are reaching out to ACC students and graduates with false and misleading information about student loan forgiveness and debt management. They are contacting by text and by email messages and through social media.This website has purposefully misrepresented information about ACC, as well as other responsible upstanding institutions in Alaska as well as across the US.I am writing to you to clarify the services offered to EVERY student loan borrower by the US Department of Education and Alaska Career College.NEVER believe an organization will help you when they charge you a membership fee and/or reoccurring monthly charges for help with your student loan repayment. When contacting this organization they wanted to charge a membership fee and a percentage of the student loan debt on a monthly basis …for them to help with deferments or forbearances in the event you are struggling to make loan payments. This would be in addition to the required student loan payment to the lender. The Federal Government Student Loan program will ALWAYS help you AND will not charge you special fees to do so. Life happens sometimes….if you ever struggle with student loan payments because of medical issues or unemployment or other financial issues …. Call your lender. They will work with you to ease your burden. If you cannot remember your lender call ACC.REMEMBER ACC is a partner with IONTUITION. IONTUITION is our student loan borrower associate. They will reach out to you on behalf of Alaska Career College. They are the good guys!! As an ACC student loan borrower, be sure to load their app on your mobile device and computer. You can check out their site at They have some really cool stuff and a reward program available to ACC students and graduates. Their purpose it to help our student loan borrowers remain in “good standing” with their loans AND they will NEVER charge you a fee.DON’T BELIEVE ALL THAT YOU READ TO BE TRUE. The website states an ACC student borrowed over $30,000 in student loans. Quite frankly this is impossible as the maximum federal student loan availability for ACC programs is $20,000. This website also implies ACC did nothing to help a student with job placement assistance. You know this is not true…. And if you feel you are not receiving enough job placement support …. Contact me personally.Alaska Career College is proud of our heritage in providing quality career education to Alaskans and Alaskan employers since 1985. We continue to exceed expectations of the state of Alaska, Accrediting Commissions, Federal Aviation Administration, and the US Department of Education in program completion, graduation rates and employment. We are also proud that our student loan borrowers exceed the federal student loan repayment rate.I value your insight and suggestions to tell this story to others. Please feel free to contact me directly if you need assistance or would like additional information.Sincerely,Jennifer Deitz,President and FounderAlaska Career College
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