Academic Integrity


Alaska College has selected professionals to administer the education department and teach in each program of study, Faculty is equally adept in theory and practical application. All faculty members meet or exceed the educational and industry experience requirements as set forth by state-approving agencies and the accrediting and licensing bodies governing Alaska Career College.

Ideas and learning form the core of the education community. In all centers of education, learning is valued and honored. No learning community can thrive if its members counterfeit their achievements and seek to establish an unfair advantage over their fellow students. The academic standards at Alaska Career College are based on a pursuit of knowledge and assume a high level of integrity in every one of its members. When this trust is violated, the academic community suffers and must act to ensure that its standards remain meaningful. The vehicle for this action is the Academic Integrity Policy. This policy is designed to foster a fair and impartial set of standards upon which academic dishonesty will be judged. All students are required to adhere to these standards. This list is not all-inclusive, as instructors may establish certain other standards used based on the nature of the course or the setting in which the course material is delivered or applied. The following, however, does constitute the minimum basis upon which academic integrity will be measured.

Prevention Techniques

All Alaska Career College students have a responsibility to adhere to the policy, as do all faculty and staff of Alaska Career College. Students are expected to prevent and confront academic integrity violations by:

  1. Reporting violations of the policy to
    • The faculty member teaching the course
    • The Program Director
    • The Campus Director
  2. Making it difficult and unacceptable for other students to cheat


Dishonest acts for the purpose of this policy are those which permit a student to gain an unfair advantage over other students. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Copying – Any act of copying information from another student by any means to obtain an advantage for oneself.
  2. Plagiarism – Student submission of word for word passages of others’ work without proper acknowledgement.
  3. Collaboration – Any act of two or more students actively cooperating on any assignment when such cooperation has not been expressly permitted by the instructor.
  4. Alteration of Records (Self-explanatory).
  5. Aids – Any use of aids, such as notes or cheat sheets that have not been expressly permitted.
  6. Bribery – Offering money, any item, or service to a faculty member or any other person to gain academic advantage for oneself or another.
  7. Lying – Lying is the deliberate misrepresentation by words, actions, or deeds, of any situation or fact, in part, or in whole, for the purpose of enhancing one’s academic standing.


Academic dishonesty is cause for dismissal from Alaska Career College. The matter will be referred to the Director of Education, who will recommend an appropriate penalty. The student may be dismissed, suspended or given a lesser penalty.

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